It's been a little hectic! Hence, no entries for a while. I've had a lot of gigs in a short space of time and I've been finding it a bit difficult to do my writing days (slapped wrists). I did the Cinammon cafe on the 3rd October 2006, that's in Bridgnorth. It's a small, friendly venue and a lovely one to do. I tried out my three minute Punch Poem. It got a big clap, which is quite unusual in mid-set so I'm guessing they must have liked something about it.
On the same bill were Kaliedoscope Theatre (who were brilliant; the actors all have down syndrome and the performance is mime based); I had some interesting thoughts as a result of watching them about how to handle some of my character changes in Poetry with Punch).
On October the 6th I did the Warwick Words Slam. I came joint first with Danni Carberry; a very welcome fifty quid. I didn't get back home until about 1.30 in the morning and I had to be up to catch the train to Cheltenham at ten o'clock. The train, incidentally turned out to be a bus from Birmingham (are we surprised?) .
I did the Cheltenham Festival UK All Stars Slam on the Saturday night. I watched Ronnie Corbett being interviewed first, about his new book. Laugh! No, not really. He clearly hadn't written it himself and didn't know the 'answers' to the questions he was asked about his life. He kind of saved it when he answered general audience questions, which weren't based on the book.
I came second in the Slam! There were about 500 people in the audience. It was well scary. The prize was a gig with Roger McGough the following week. I would have loved that, but never mind I got a hundred quids worth of poetry books and a very nice bottle of wine; very happy with that.
Watched Stella Rimmington the next day, ex head of MI5. It was very interesting and I got an idea for a poem (unfortunately not one related to Punch and Judy).
I was knackered on Monday and nearly fell asleep temping on reception at the Bingley Centre. I went to Ros Godard's book launch on Tuesday (am enjoying reading 'How to Dismantle a Hotel Room). Then Thursday another gig in a pub in Birmingham. I quite enjoyed it even thought it was a tough audience because it wasn't a pub that was used to poetry. Saw John Hegley on Friday, very entertaining (I learned that mixing it up keeps people interested - some poems, some anecdotes, some songs, some audience interaction - see previous notes on Steve Tsane who also mixes it up). I was supposed to go to the Electric Cinema after the Hegley gig, to perform but no transport back to Wolves after 11.40, how crap is that?
I also managed to squeeze in a rejection for my novel during this period and a course run by the tax office on being self-employed (it was free and I'd like to recommend it). Grants and busaries are taxable but prize money isn't. Wonder if Danni Carberry knows!
On the same bill were Kaliedoscope Theatre (who were brilliant; the actors all have down syndrome and the performance is mime based); I had some interesting thoughts as a result of watching them about how to handle some of my character changes in Poetry with Punch).
On October the 6th I did the Warwick Words Slam. I came joint first with Danni Carberry; a very welcome fifty quid. I didn't get back home until about 1.30 in the morning and I had to be up to catch the train to Cheltenham at ten o'clock. The train, incidentally turned out to be a bus from Birmingham (are we surprised?) .
I did the Cheltenham Festival UK All Stars Slam on the Saturday night. I watched Ronnie Corbett being interviewed first, about his new book. Laugh! No, not really. He clearly hadn't written it himself and didn't know the 'answers' to the questions he was asked about his life. He kind of saved it when he answered general audience questions, which weren't based on the book.
I came second in the Slam! There were about 500 people in the audience. It was well scary. The prize was a gig with Roger McGough the following week. I would have loved that, but never mind I got a hundred quids worth of poetry books and a very nice bottle of wine; very happy with that.
Watched Stella Rimmington the next day, ex head of MI5. It was very interesting and I got an idea for a poem (unfortunately not one related to Punch and Judy).
I was knackered on Monday and nearly fell asleep temping on reception at the Bingley Centre. I went to Ros Godard's book launch on Tuesday (am enjoying reading 'How to Dismantle a Hotel Room). Then Thursday another gig in a pub in Birmingham. I quite enjoyed it even thought it was a tough audience because it wasn't a pub that was used to poetry. Saw John Hegley on Friday, very entertaining (I learned that mixing it up keeps people interested - some poems, some anecdotes, some songs, some audience interaction - see previous notes on Steve Tsane who also mixes it up). I was supposed to go to the Electric Cinema after the Hegley gig, to perform but no transport back to Wolves after 11.40, how crap is that?
I also managed to squeeze in a rejection for my novel during this period and a course run by the tax office on being self-employed (it was free and I'd like to recommend it). Grants and busaries are taxable but prize money isn't. Wonder if Danni Carberry knows!