Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Right, I've contacted the chap who is doing my website. He is no longer on line! Should I be worried by this? Anyway he asked me to send him the text for my website which I have done today. I've sent a CD with the words saved as plain text and a hard copy. He also told me to get a domain name and a host. I have done this! I have paid for it over the internet! I hate doing this! I hoping it's right! Oh well; it's in the post now.

Tonight I am hoping to research puppet designs and how to make them tonight! I am going to give two designs to my cousin. I'd forgotten about my cousin when I was thinking earlier about puppets (not that he is a puppet you understand). He makes fantastic models out of scrap and what not. I phoned him and asked him if he'd be up for making two puppets. He said yes. He wasn't even phased by the fact that one of them needs to have an extending neck!

No sign of the Arvon booklet yet so no movement on getting a replacement course for the one that was cancelled.

I'm also researching rates of pay for writers! I'm in negociation! It's embarrasing charging for your time when your writing; I feel uncomfortable with it. I think I need to draw up a table of rates of pay for different types of writing or workshops so that I can send it to people when they ask such awkward questions.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Well that's Christmas and New Year out of the way. Back to work. I've spent the last couple of day's housekeeping. I've written all of my gigs that I've got booked so far into my diary. I've got five so far (four of which involve some kind of payment - whoo hooo). I've also got a new writing project in the bag; its paid and due to start in April which fits in quite nicely with the finish of the writing time for P and J.

I've nearly (hopefully) managed to write the Judy poem! How long has it took me?

I must get on to the chap who is doing my website. I've also emailed Dave Finchett (photographer and former puppet person) about trying to contact a puppet maker as I know that I want two puppets making for the show (the Judy character and the Scaramouche character). The other thing is, that I've sent for a listing of the ARVON courses for 2007 and I'm thinking about emailing Adrian Mealing who is agent for Roger McGough, John Hegley and Ian MacMillan; I want to check out the option of having a mentor or attending courses run by one or other of his performance poets (a long shot but it just might work).