Well, I did it! Just over a year from the first word to the first performance but I did it! I had a preview show at Bantock Park last night. 41 people turned up and their reaction was really positive. I was just happy to get through without freaking out/passing out/blanking out. Rehearsals before the event had not gone well; I had a panic attack in the middle of one! But last night it all came together and I managed to do the whole show with very few mistakes which probably only myself or Dave noticed.
It was really lovely to see so many folks who had helped me, such as Mike Luckins (who had mentored me), Alison (maker of Punch's hat and puppet Judy's hat) and my cousin Ste (puppet maker) all in one room to see 'The Professor Vyle Show'.
I forgot to hand out my evaluation forms in my excitement but I've been getting emails and texts about the performance which have all been very kind. I was over the moon with Simon Fletcher's appraisal. Simon is the Literature Development Officer for Wolverhampton Libraries and a poet and novelist. He said, "The Professor Vyle Show is a whizz-bang take on the horrors of daytime tv framed by the changing concepts of Punch & Judy theatre. Infused with the language of the street this is particularly appropriate for older teenagers and young people. It deals with issues of domestic violence, drugs, the legal system and the heartless slapstick of trial by tv. Emma Purshouse has got talent and a rare sympathy for those on the edge." I will of course be using this wonderful quote to try and sell my show! A lot of people suggested I try and take the show to Edinburgh and Brighton.
In my pitch to the Arts Council I said I aimed to reach audiences of 2000 with this show! I better get on with promoting it then. Only another 1,959 audience members to go!
It was really lovely to see so many folks who had helped me, such as Mike Luckins (who had mentored me), Alison (maker of Punch's hat and puppet Judy's hat) and my cousin Ste (puppet maker) all in one room to see 'The Professor Vyle Show'.
I forgot to hand out my evaluation forms in my excitement but I've been getting emails and texts about the performance which have all been very kind. I was over the moon with Simon Fletcher's appraisal. Simon is the Literature Development Officer for Wolverhampton Libraries and a poet and novelist. He said, "The Professor Vyle Show is a whizz-bang take on the horrors of daytime tv framed by the changing concepts of Punch & Judy theatre. Infused with the language of the street this is particularly appropriate for older teenagers and young people. It deals with issues of domestic violence, drugs, the legal system and the heartless slapstick of trial by tv. Emma Purshouse has got talent and a rare sympathy for those on the edge." I will of course be using this wonderful quote to try and sell my show! A lot of people suggested I try and take the show to Edinburgh and Brighton.
In my pitch to the Arts Council I said I aimed to reach audiences of 2000 with this show! I better get on with promoting it then. Only another 1,959 audience members to go!