Thursday, September 07, 2006

1st September 2006 - the day I could start accessing the money from the Arts Council...I sat and thought about what I would do and have decided that for the time being I will have my writing days on Wednesday's and Friday's leaving the rest of the week to temp. I have been working on reception for a place called the Bingley Centre; it's in Wolverhampton and they are happy for me to work three days in this way.

I also sent off a booking form for a 'spoken word' course run by the Arvon Foundation. I have heard really good things about their courses but I haven't been able to afford one before. Although, now I've re-read their literature you can apply for a grant to attend their courses if you're a bit hard up (good to know).

Next, I checked into public liability insurance because you need this to work in schools. It's about £75. It only takes about a week for it to come through so I'll hang fire and wait to see if work in schools looks at all likely.

After that, I went round to my Mum and Dad's to blag some tea! Little things like this will make the grant stretch further.

4th September 2006
I went to visit Laurence ? (Lozz) and recorded some poems for a podcast! Ehh! Aren't you impressed (what's a podcast?) Anyway it went OKish, although I didn't prepare links between the poems which mean't that I waffled inanely and sounded like a bit of a dick. I always prepare links between poems when I'm performing to avoid this type of embarrassment so why I didn't think to do it for this I don't know. I'm not looking forward to listening to it.

At least I managed to mention the Arts Council had funded me! You have to use a certain phrase if intereviewed about what you are doing and you have to use the Arts Council logo on everything you produce to do with the project (they detail the correct way to do this in a booklet that they send to you). It could be quite easy to forget or overlook this specification, especailly if you didn't read the guidelines until after the project was finished (not that anybody would do that- ho hum!)

The website address for downloading the podcasts is I promised to point any suitable poets or musicians from the Black Country in Lozz's direction; he's interested in people who write and perform their own stuff. Networking seems to be vital to get work or generate interest in what you are doing. I've made a note to self to ask Lozz for another go at podcasting when I have written my new material; he said that most people used the sessions for blantant self-publicity, which is a great opportunity and not to be missed out on.

5th September 2006

First writing day...I have decided to write a poem which is three minutes long and therefore useable in slam competitions. I am going to write about the way the media is in this country and hopefully clarify some of the themes that are going to be underlying my Punch and Judy performance piece. Having seen some excellent performance poetry in the shape of 'Exposed' which is and Apples and Snakes/Arts Council production I am fired up to attempt a fast motor mouth type of poem.

I've been listening to Eminem and reading his lyrics; I like the speed of his tracks and I like the various sounds and other voices that appear in his work; these seem to counterpoint the main thrust of the rap.

I went to 'Six of the Best' last night, in Birmingham. This is a live literature event which is run by the poet laureatte of Birmingham, Richard Grant (also know as Dreadlockalien). Elvis McGoneegal was on. He is the UK and now World Slam champion. Fantastic! Political and fast moving poetry. He uses highly adept accents and impressions of Bush and Blair to bring his work to life. Lots of soundbites. This is the type of thing I am aiming for in my poem Mixed Media (working title). Incidentally, I got soundly beaten by Elvis in the Cheltenham Science Festival Slam.


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