Friday, September 29, 2006

27th September 2006

I wrote. I worked on my Punch poem. It now has a title. The title is 'Punch Gets His Story Straight For The Jeremy Kyle Show'. It's a long title I admit.

I have retold Punch's story as if he is justifying himself on daytime tv. Punch is a youngish chav type character. I'm using devices from Rap (i.e punctuating my words with sound effects and silences) and I can feel the influence of Polar Bear (brilliant performance poet) in the piece, particularly in the rhythm and delivery of the poem - I want to experiment with the speeding up and slowing down of the pace to show how Punch becomes angry and then calms himself again. I think this gives an underlying menace to the performance.

I showed it to Dave (my partner) and to Stu (my friend), which of course is ridiculous because you shouldn't show your writing to friends and family because they will just say "that's nice, dear"; except these two wouldn't. They booth gave positive feedback and said that the poem was funny but also held the attention because you felt like you wanted to know what happens next. The comment was also made that the poem read/sounded like 'The Streets' - which pleased me immensely. I'm not sending it to my writing buddy (Jane Seabourne) yet. I will be interested to here her comments; she is a very different sort of poet to me and therefore gives a different and envaluable prespective on the things that I write.

'Punch gets his..." is just over three minutes long which means I could cut it back slightly and use it as a stand alone poem for Slam Competitions. I might try it out at Cheltenham All Stars Slam, which is not this weekend but the weekend after.

There are still some clunky bits in the poem but on the whole I feel quite pleased with it. The narration only goes as far as the baby being thrown out of the window so I'm thinking that there are two more poems of about the same length too be had using Punch as a narrator in this way. I'm going to try and develop them next. This way I will feel like I've filled some substantial chunks of time poetry wise and hopefully feel that the thirty minutes I've set myself is doable.


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