Friday, September 29, 2006

29th September 2006

Dave Finchett (photographer) is back of his hols and has sent me all of the photos as promised. They are fantastic; I'm really pleased. Very lively shots with a contemporary feel. I'm also pleased with the way that I look different when I am being the various personas I use on stage.

Dave has charged me less than I budgeted for because I decided against having a set of prints; it seemed like a waste because most people just seem to ask you to email photos to them. I need to check out what happens when you don't spend as much as you'd said on something. For example: Does this money have to go back to the Arts Council or could I put it towards props (which I'm thinking I may have under-budgeted on) or could I buy another couple of writing days if necessary or could I pay for my train travel to the ARVON course (I didn't allow for that in my budget which I think was a mistake I could have done with that because I bet it's going to be expensive) ? I will keep you posted on the outcome of this.

Having the photographs means that I can now set the ball rolling with Ken Hurd on the website design. I have a meeting with him at 11.30 on Monday.

Better get on and do some writing now.


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